Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Visit to the Doctor's Office: James Gets Strept Throat

On July 2, James complained that his head hurt and so did his throat. I immediately diagnosed him with Strept Throat because a few kids in the day care had already gotten it. I KNEW the symptoms plus he had a fever. (Didn't take his temp but I knew from touching him he had a fever!) Anyway, he laid lethargically on the lawn chair and watched the fireworks yesterday (see photo below:)

Today we scheduled a doctor's appointment at one of the BEST doctor's offices we've EVER been to! Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center in Dr. Peterson's office. Selena was my nurse and she was SO hospitable. 

My husband was pleased to see a lady pushing a cart through the waiting room distributing complimentary hot chocolates (for the kids) and coffee w/cream and sugar (for the adults) waiting. WHAT? WHERE THE HELL AM I? Makes you wanna go back and do it all again. My husband and I jokingly said, "Let's have another baby and experience the Labor & Delivery Ward!" (ha! so funny!)

As you can tell, we were positive and were prescribed antibiotic "pills"! Why pills? His throat is already sore. Couldn't they give him liquid or those dissoluble tablets that melt on your tongue? 

Leave it to my boys to be action-packed and do SOMETHING to hurt each other or SOMEBODY! That Roman! He's SO cute, even when he's sad and my poor little Logie (God my kids are BEAUTIFUL!) Not just saying that because they're mine, other people say it every time we go pass.

This is the last straw with Legend, and Ally included. They are both cut off from visiting Clara. I let Clara know that she is to record and post the good times she'll be having at her birthday party this year. Phil doesn't think they'll feel the sting, they're human, they'll feel it all!

My boys are SO funny, just like Phil! It really looks like they're sleeping. Future actors? Yessss!

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